Cost Comparison Tool

See how much you could save by switching to natural gas for your energy needs. Grab a recent utility bill, enter your information below, and see how natural gas compares.

*Estimate based on national average utility costs. Prices displayed are not a formal service quote. For more information, contact Utility Pipeline, LTD.

Step 1:

Choose Your Current Energy Source

Step 2:

Enter Your Current Fuel Oil Usage & Cost

Natural Gas
Fuel Oil
Fuel Oil
Natural Gas

You could save up to SOURCE per year*!

Switching to natural gas is easy with Utility Pipeline.
Get in touch to get started today!

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We couldn’t complete the calculation based on the information provided. Please try again or contact Utility Pipeline for a detailed, personalized quote.

*Estimate based on national average utility costs. Prices displayed are not a formal service quote. For more information, contact Utility Pipeline, LTD.